Thursday, September 1, 2016

Good afternoon everyone!
For today's post I thought we could have a throwback Thursday. First I'd like to start by saying that we've been around a long time. And I don't mean 10, 20 or even 30 years! We've been here for 41 years! You could say we've seen some things.
Like when we started carrying webbing. Don't get us wrong, we LOVE helping people with their projects and being a local supplier. But do you know how many types of webbing there are?
There's a lot. In different widths, types, colors, patterns.
We tried to keep up but we just couldn't. That was 20 years ago.
The funny thing is till yesterday we thought we had gotten rid of it all. We started to pull some boxes and to our surprise they had webbing inside! 

We decided that to not start the craziness once again we would gladly donate it to our mechanics so they can sew off machines. Boy are we glad we're done with that. I hope you guys liked this throwback Thursday and I hope you come visit us more often. I still haven't decided which days I'll upload, so stay posted on our twitter!
You will have to bear with me in the mean time, first time writing a blog,but I will try with all my might to make it worth your while!

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